Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Popcorn is a type of corn which explodes from the kernel and puffs up when heated. Corn popping was originally discovered by Native Americans, but became popular as a snack food. It actually became very popular during the great depression of the United States that is why it’s very known that popcorn is usually eaten while watching movies in cinemas or theatres.

Why does corn pop??
Corn is able to pop because, unlike other grains, its kernels have a hard but moisture sealed hull and a dense starchy filling. This allows the pressure to build inside the kernel until explosive “pop” results.
There are many techniques for popping corn. The biggest example is the popcorn machines which were invented by Charles Cretors in the 19th Century. Many types of small-scale home methods for popping corn also exist, with the most popular being put in a bag and hated in the micro-wave.

As a snack food, popcorn has both good and bad scales. Some consider it to be a health food, while others caution against it for a variety of reasons. It is has also been stated that having one pack of popcorn is equivalent to having 3 big burgers.
At the end there is one thing that we all can not disagree on, pop corn tastes good.
How the Pyramids were Built

Pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped structures which are known to be located in Egypt. There are 118 pyramids discovered in Egypt as of 2008. Most were built as graves for the country's Pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods. It is also known that the oldest pyramided to be built is called the Pyramid of Djoser which was built during the third dynasty.

Egypt is a country rich of stones so many of the pyramids were built with a number of different stone materials. Most of the material used was fairly rough, low grade limestone used to build the pyramid core, while fine white limestone was often employed for the outer case as well as to cover the inside walls, even though pink granite was also used on inner walls, mud bricks were used to build walls within the temples.

The question of who built the pyramids and how exactly where they built has long been debated by many Egyptologists and historians, and they still didn’t not reach a certain answer into who actually built the pyramids, there has also been an article that stated that pyramids were actually built by aliens!!

Of course this remains as history, but it definitely appreciated to have such voluble thing in our world, not to mention that the pyramids of Egypt are considered as the one of the 7 wonders of the world.
The UAE 30 Years Ago and Now

As we all have noticed, the United Arab Emirates has undergone a huge transformation over the past 40 years. It has grown economically and has become one of the world’s most famous countries with its civilization.
Less than 50 years ago even Abu Dhabi was little more than empty desert, rarely visited and unpopulated, except by a few Bedouin tribes and villagers in the more hospitable areas. The capital was located on the northern side of Abu Dhabi Island and consisted of a couple of hundred palm huts and a few coral buildings.

In 1971, and in the hands of HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the reunion of the seven emirates took place. Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm Al Qaiwain and then UAE were formed. Therefore achieved great prosperity and a stable economy. Citizens of the UAE now have a high standard of living and level of education and the country is investing a great deal in transforming the desert into a green and pleasant land.

When noticing the huge difference between now and then, we must say that things have definitely served us all good. So the U.A.E. is still the U.A.E even though it has undergone some very big changes.

A hotel is an establishment that provides a place to stay for a short time. In times past, it consisted only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand. But of course right now with the worlds evolution everything changed and hotels have a very different perspective nowadays replaced by rooms with bathrooms and A.C as well. Additional common features found in hotel rooms are a telephones, alarm clocks, televisions, and Internet connectivity, snack foods and drinks.
A motel in another hand is basically a hotel that was originally designed for motorists, usually having direct access to an open parking area where they can park their cars and motorcycles.
Hotels and motels have many similarities such as providing a stay for travelers and tourists. Even though at the beginning the differences between hotels and motels used to be big, nowadays they are built the same way.

Motels may not have the elements found at hotels, but they offer easy access, reasonable rates, and a less complicated experience unlike hotels. Whereas hotels are usually placed in or near cities unlike motels.

In conclusion I think that’s both motels and hotels have huge similarities between them except for a few aspects regarding the price and services.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, it is considered as one of the holiest months of the year, when the prophet Mohammad was said to have received revelations from God that later became Islam’s holy book, the Quran.

Therefore, many events happen in this holy month. It is a month that brings us closer to God, makes us feel the poor and their suffering. Since we spend our day fasting, our events usually start at the evening. Specifically at “Iftar” timing where all the family gathers and starts eating. At the past, our prophet use to have a dates and milk for “Iftar”, that’s why now a days it is essential to have these two during “Iftar”.
Many activities are done during this month, for example, family members, and not just direct family but also uncles, cousins and extended family spend the day in each others’ homes, women usually bring all types of food teach each other new recipes and cook together. Whereas for men, they gather up to have interesting conversations and share their views about different subjects. It is also very common that a tent is built outside some of our houses, it’s a special Ramadan tent that men stay at during the night, there are various ways of entertainment there that includes TVs, computer and card games and what’s so nice about it is that anyone is welcomed at all times!
Ramadan makes us appreciate our surroundings and strengthen the bond between each other, our God and our religion Islam.

The hajj

There are many religions in the world. However the Islamic is one of the old religions. In Islam you have to do many things and there are a thing it depends in the Muslim of he wants to do it or not. One of these things is the hajj. In this essay, I am going to write about the rituals of hajj.

Every year there are millions of Muslims who are going to do pilgrimage known as the hajj. All the Muslims who can expect to perform the hajj, can do it only once in the life. It’s in one month of the year we called it Dhull- hajjah. The first perform of pilgrims is Tawaf. We have to walk around the Kaaba seven times and we are free to ask Allah for whatever we want. Then we walk seven times between Safa and Marwah. After that we will travel for three mails to Mina and stay one night. On the morning we have to travel to Arafat. On the same day in the evening we will travel to Muzdalifah where we will camp for one night. Next day we will go back to Mina to throw seven peddles at each of the three statues at the Jamraat. Finally we will return to Mecca for perform Tawaf around the Kaaba and walk between Safa and Marwah then pray in Mona for 3 days.

That was around one week to finish the performance of hajj.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

how to fail portfolio??

There are many students who do not know now to create a portfolio. In every new semester they give them the steps and the clear ways for create a good portfolio. If they did not do it in the correct way they will be failing. In this essay, I am going to write about how to fail in this portfolio.

I will write fourth reasons for about how the student may fail in the portfolio. The first reason is there is no evidence or his name is not appearing in binder or first page. Not only have his even his information have to be in the cover page. The second reason is there are no thought has been given to appearance of the binder. The third reason is if he makes the font and the font color in the random was m that will show the checker you are not caring about your portfolio. The last reason is if the content show no evidence of care or order and the material has been included without screening.

In conclusion, the portfolio need some work with concentration and what I have wrote above it will be the most reasons to fail in it.