Monday, October 26, 2009

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, it is considered as one of the holiest months of the year, when the prophet Mohammad was said to have received revelations from God that later became Islam’s holy book, the Quran.

Therefore, many events happen in this holy month. It is a month that brings us closer to God, makes us feel the poor and their suffering. Since we spend our day fasting, our events usually start at the evening. Specifically at “Iftar” timing where all the family gathers and starts eating. At the past, our prophet use to have a dates and milk for “Iftar”, that’s why now a days it is essential to have these two during “Iftar”.
Many activities are done during this month, for example, family members, and not just direct family but also uncles, cousins and extended family spend the day in each others’ homes, women usually bring all types of food teach each other new recipes and cook together. Whereas for men, they gather up to have interesting conversations and share their views about different subjects. It is also very common that a tent is built outside some of our houses, it’s a special Ramadan tent that men stay at during the night, there are various ways of entertainment there that includes TVs, computer and card games and what’s so nice about it is that anyone is welcomed at all times!
Ramadan makes us appreciate our surroundings and strengthen the bond between each other, our God and our religion Islam.

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